by Norbert Blenn, Vincent Ghiette and Christian Doerr
Quantifying the Spectrum of Denial-of-Service Attacks through Internet Backscatter (Norbert Blenn, Vincent Ghiette and Christian Doerr), In International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Norbert Blenn and Vincent Ghiette and Christian Doerr},
booktitle = {International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES)},
date-added = {2017-05-23 14:54:54 +0000},
date-modified = {2019-05-25 10:10:30 +0000},
featured = {1},
pdf = {},
title = {Quantifying the Spectrum of Denial-of-Service Attacks through Internet Backscatter},
year = {2017},