Clustering Payloads: Grouping Randomized Scan Probes Into Campaign Templates (bibtex)
by Vincent Ghiette and Christian Doerr
Clustering Payloads: Grouping Randomized Scan Probes Into Campaign Templates (Vincent Ghiette and Christian Doerr), In IFIP Networking, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {Vincent Ghiette and Christian Doerr},
 booktitle = {IFIP Networking},
 date-added = {2022-08-03 12:45:41 +0000},
 date-modified = {2022-08-03 12:46:53 +0000},
 pdf = {},
 title = {Clustering Payloads: Grouping Randomized Scan Probes Into Campaign Templates},
 year = {2022},
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