by H. Griffioen, G. Koursiounis, G. Smaragdakis and C. Doerr
Have you SYN me? Characterizing Ten Years of Internet Scanning (H. Griffioen, G. Koursiounis, G. Smaragdakis and C. Doerr), In Internet Measurement Conference, 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {H. Griffioen and G. Koursiounis and G. Smaragdakis and C. Doerr},
booktitle = {Internet Measurement Conference},
date-added = {2024-07-31 14:35:51 +0200},
date-modified = {2024-07-31 14:36:24 +0200},
title = {Have you SYN me? Characterizing Ten Years of Internet Scanning},
year = {2024},