Have you SYN me? Characterizing Ten Years of Internet Scanning (bibtex)
by H. Griffioen, G. Koursiounis, G. Smaragdakis and C. Doerr
Have you SYN me? Characterizing Ten Years of Internet Scanning (H. Griffioen, G. Koursiounis, G. Smaragdakis and C. Doerr), In Internet Measurement Conference, 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {H. Griffioen and G. Koursiounis and G. Smaragdakis and C. Doerr},
 booktitle = {Internet Measurement Conference},
 date-added = {2024-07-31 14:35:51 +0200},
 date-modified = {2024-07-31 14:36:24 +0200},
 title = {Have you SYN me? Characterizing Ten Years of Internet Scanning},
 year = {2024},
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